Will Fruit Make Me Fat?
Perhaps the biggest misunderstanding about fruit is that it will make you fat. This misunderstanding is as common as the belief that fruit will lead to cavities. The reasons behind this can be attributed to three components of fruit: Sugars, calories, and carbohydrates.
Fruit usually ranks high on these three categories. That is the main reason most people think they will gain fat by eating more fruit. These people believe that when we eat fruit in excess, their sugar is metabolized by the liver and turned immediately into fat. There may be some truth to this, but it is based on a limited perspective, and more research is due in this area.
In the same way, it is unwise to believe that too many calories and carbohydrates are the main cause of obesity. Think of Michael Phelps and the 10,000 calories he ate daily to help him win 23 Olympic gold medals. Think of Michael Arnstein and the vast amount of fruit he ate for five years, while competing, and sometimes winning, world-class ultra-marathons.
Those who have tried it know it is almost impossible for someone to gain unhealthy weight on a fruit-based diet, regardless of how much fruit they eat. According to Dr. Robert Morse, there are only three ways in which fruit can make us gain weight, and all these scenarios lead to healthy outcomes where the weight gained is a favorable result:
#1 – If someone is undernourished, a caloric input from fruit will help that person gain weight and get back to a healthy state.
#2 – If someone’s body is extremely acidic and/or chronically dehydrated, as with most people in the United States, it is possible that their body will hold on to water from fruit, in order to re-hydrate the cells, and reduce acidosis in the body.
#3 – If someone is following a fruit-based diet, while following the proper bodybuilding training program, it is possible to put on muscle weight. Most people believe high amounts of protein are required to build muscle. This is a misunderstanding that has been exploited by supplement companies, and the animal products industry.
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Fruit Isn’t the Problem