The Devil’s Advocate
Throughout this journey, I have been, and am likely to remain, my strongest opposition. I opened up to looking at this topic from every conceivable angle, always searching for greater clarity and psychological cohesion.
I have listened to the ever expanding perspectives from experts and professionals, I read the books and watched the videos. I know there is an infinity out there for me to learn. I am sure you know things I don’t. There is much on this book I may also disagree with. We all have a long way to go before achieving full clarity on the benefit of raw vegan and fruit based diets.
The following are just a few examples of my own opposition towards incorporating these new ways of nurturing my body. I just want you to know that any doubts you may have about this, I most likely experienced as well.
It is possible that raw vegan and fruit based diets may work for some people but not others. Perhaps there are people who can’t handle or thrive with that much fruit in their diet, maybe those who are drawn to fruitarianism are the ones who truly need it. That being said, I am certain most people could benefit from adding more fruit to their meals.
Another possibility is that these types of diets are useful for some people at specific points in their life, and only for a limited number of days. Perhaps these approaches are only meant to be used as a cleanse, or as a practice for spiritual evolution. In this case, it might be beneficial to Give Fruit a Chance.
There are few communities of people who have followed a fruitarian diet long term. Most people in these communities tend to be young and in the process of exploring the world. It is less common to see older people experimenting with this, but among those who do, there have been some impressive results.
All these ideas, and many more, prevent me from giving you any type of direct advice. I am not, and don’t want to be, responsible for your experience. I don’t know if eating more fruit is best for you, but it makes sense to think that is most likely true. When we weight everything into considerations, I feel a strong intuition that raw vegan and fruit based diets are some of the best options to improve our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, ethical, environmental, and financial health. I know it’s possible that increased fruit consumption may be the answer to solving world hunger.
Some statements in this book may sound extreme. They are there to show you what humans are capable of. We don’t depend on the food most people eat everyday. We can do better than that, many people are thriving on raw vegan and fruit based diets, and many more will soon experience the same bliss.
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Fruit and Humans