Sustainable Developments
By adapting to a simpler life, we start to need less and are able to give more. The beauty of this is that by giving more, it becomes easier to take care of everyone. Its a positive self-feeding mechanism.
Moving to tropical and sub-tropical regions may be easier than we think. The areas covered by these types of climates are quite large.
We already mentioned dozens of major cities in the U.S. located in tropical and sub-tropical areas. We can also include all of Africa, India, Australia, Central America, half of China, most of the Middle East, most of South America, and many countries in South Asia and Oceania.
Of course, some of these areas are inhabitable, such as the Sahara Desert. We also know many of those regions are known for being overpopulated. That being said, there is much we can do to make those areas suitable for our growing population.
Let’s consider the massive amount of structural and technological development that is occurring in the Middle East. Think of countries countries such as Abu Dabhi and Dubai. These countries are located in desserts that are being transformed into massive oases. Think of cities such as Los Angeles and Las Vegas, built on deserted regions that are now highly populated.
We must also notice that overpopulated countries contain most of their population within major cities like Beijing, Sao Pablo, Manila, and Mumbai. There is no doubt that there are many areas in China, Brazil, the Philippines, and India, with plenty of space to sustain healthy humans.
This vision isn’t about going there, cutting the rain forest, and placing more sky scrapers, or building million dollar homes with a wide front lawn. This is about learning how to blend with nature, creating homes where we can coexist with the flora and fauna of that region.
The importance of eco-building practice shouldn’t be overseen. Many countries are already leading the way with initiatives for green construction. We’ll surely see more architecture that uses nature and the surrounding environment to create eco-friendly infrastructure. This is already a common trend in most progressive countries.
When it comes to sustainable transportation systems, there is a growing number of projects that are well established. One example is Tesla’s hyper-loop train, which would be powered by magnets, and allow transportation at hyper-speeds. This new technology could make it easier for people to live in remote tropical and subtropical areas, and share resources with other areas. This technology could also make it easier for people to live in colder regions during the warmer months of the year, and move back to warmer regions during the colder months.
There is much we need to take into consideration, like weather changes due to global warming, and unexpected cooling periods. There is much that can change in the near future. The most important thing is to pair up progressive thinking and technology, with proper resource management initiatives. It may be the only way to ensure a sustainable future for mankind.
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