Supporting Research and Innovation
We have made it this far supported by the efforts of those who came before us. Over the past few decades, hundreds of authors and educators have dedicated their life to learning and teaching about raw vegan and fruit based diets. It is their collective efforts that helped make this book possible.
We know research and innovation are a must, to continue evolving and improving our lives. That is why we must continue educating ourselves, and opening our minds to better possibilities. There is always room for improvement. We can always go a step further, deeper, into understanding who we are, and what is best for us.
That is why I continue to study and research ideas that harmonize with raw vegan and fruit based diets. There is an ocean of information available, and it can take a while to understand how everything fits together. In the meantime, I continue to enjoy the process of discovering what is true for me, revealing and sharing new layers of knowledge.
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