Oxygen Fasting
Earlier in this chapter we referred to the practice of not breathing as “oxygen fasting”. We added that fasts are meant to be performed for specific reasons, and for specific periods of time, ideally under experienced supervision.
We also mentioned the words “Lovearianism” and “Beingism”, these are terms I coined a few years ago when I was writing this book. They refer to the idea that humans may be able to live, by feeding themselves on the experience of love, or simply by being, with no need of sustenance through ingesting foreign substances.
Lovearianism is a step beyond breatharianism. It doesn’t require the abstinence of food or water, it simply means that we are getting our energy from experiencing love, joy, peace, and other high-vibration feelings. Beingism is a step beyond Lovearianism, and it refers to our ability to remain alive, simply by being, this may or may not include having a physical body.
This may be a good time to take a breath, if you need it, and realize how deep down the rabbit hole we have made it. We are well in the realm of superstition, and scientific research will not serve us from here on. That, however, shouldn’t stop us from doing our own research, and coming up with our own conclusions. Let’s review what we have learned so far.
We know that we can make huge changes to our diet, and move from consuming physically dense foods such as cow flesh, to consuming less physical products, such as fruits and leafy greens. We know that raw vegan and fruit based diets have the potential to sustain us in excellent health. We also know that some humans can survive for more than a week consuming nothing but water and air.
We all know the experience of feeling so excited, passionate, or in love, that we forget to eat or drink for long periods of time. I know that when I sing, write, or dance, I am less needy of other substances. It is as if my spiritual passions were feeding my physical body. These ideas are easier to digest if you believe that this world is made of love.
It’s likely that most Lovearians soon transition out of their physical bodies. Maybe they become spirits, or angels, sustained by subtle forces that don’t need physical bodies.
The new bodies that these humans move into are known as “light bodies”. There are many well known stories about people seeing angels, ghosts, and spirits. Many times these stories contain references to “bodies made of light”.
These bodies of light are not our ultimate form. That is why love is not the ultimate source of energy. The final level is one which does not require consumption of anything, neither food, nor water, or air, or love. The name for this final level is “Beingism”.
This is the level of the Dao, the divine level. Its the state of simply being, beyond bodies and forms, beyond description, beyond separation. This may be the level we are all meant to reach, or perhaps it is the level from which we all arise from. A level far beyond our physical bodies, subtle and essential, always present within our deepest selves. At this level, we dissolve into “Satchitananda”, which represents our deepest self: Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss.
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