On the Opinions and Mistakes by the Author
Throughout the text I make some serious claims, and I must admit, I am not an expert in every-single-topic in this book. I covered almost everything there is to know about raw vegan and fruit based diets. I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I am simply exploring these ideas and sharing them with you.
Please remember that the ideas presented in this book are just that, ideas. They are my personal perspectives. I support some propositions without hesitation, and there are other concepts that I am still contemplating, as I continue to learn.
It’s possible that many of my perspectives will change over time. At the end of the day, I am a natural human being, living in a world of change, with uncertainty about who we are, why we are here, and what our purpose in life is. No one knows the absolute truth of anything. Everything is a mystery.
Humans have different opinions, and different needs at different times. Everything is in constant flux. At the same time, we all have an internal compass to guide us through right and wrong. We can share what we see, but ultimately, each one of us must look inside to find what is true for ourselves.
This book is full of facts, but their interpretations are subjective. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many “facts” that were thought to be “absolutely true”, that were later found to be “absolutely false”. Most of the experts in 1954 thought it was impossible for a human to run a mile under four minutes, until Roger Bannister broke the mark, and many followed right after. Most of the experts in 1903 thought flight was impossible, until the Wright Brothers had their first successful attempt. Time has the power to shed all limitations.
There are hundreds of published books that claim to know the perfect diet for all humans. Most of them contradict each other. This book is different. I don’t claim to know the best diet for each person, I am simply exploring a new way to look at the way we eat.
Please take this as an invitation to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind, to the current condition of our world, and become aware of the many avenues we can take to make it better for all of us.
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