Key Action Steps
The most important things to do are the following, and in the following order. First, decide to start. Second, educate yourself. Third, do your best to practice every day. Fourth, be willing to make mistakes. Fifth, get up after you fall, and keep moving forward. Six, surround yourself with people that support you, ask for help, and ignore unproductive doubts or criticism. Seven, keep learning and fine tuning your approach. Eight, celebrate your victories in healthy and productive ways. Ninth, share your success with others while being careful and respectful. Ten, give as much as you can.
If we want to be fully vegan, it might be best for us to avoid social gatherings and events where eating animal products is the main focus. This is especially important in the beginning of our journey, later on it may be easier to adjust to these types of environments.
Let your friends and relatives know that you are experimenting with different diets, and ask them for support. You can also plan ahead and bring your own food, there are plenty of options you can play with.
There is more help out there than you may think. There are plenty of websites, Youtube channels, blogs, and forums where you can learn, and participate, in the world of raw vegan and fruit based diets. There are local meetings, restaurants, and events that support this type of lifestyle. You can also find books and documentaries on these topics, as well as coaches, and other types of one-on-one help.
If you want more answers or ideas, you can always reach me through my websites and social media pages. Please feel free to contact me, and ask any questions you want. I hope to continue supporting you as you follow yourself in this journey, and continue to Give Fruit a Chance.
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