Food as an Addiction
Cravings may be the most challenging part, in the transition to raw vegan and fruit based diets. Most people struggle with them from time to time. The most important thing is to be aware of these, and continue to work towards overcoming them.
Food cravings, also known as “selective hunger”, is incredibly common around the world. Most people experience these cravings every day, without ever being aware of them. We may think cravings are reserved for ice-cream and chocolate, but cravings account for any desire for food that is not related to true hunger.
We have become so disconnected with our bodies and natural instincts, that most of us don’t even know what true hunger feels like. Instead of being ruled by real hunger we are ruled by our appetite, which is linked to addictive behaviors.
Imagine someone who eats at McDonalds every day, three times a day. If we heard them say “I want McDonalds” we could assume it is because they are hungry, but we know McDonalds is not what their body needs. In other words, every time these people think they are hungry they will say “I want McDonalds” or “I need to eat McDonalds”.
Logic says it is impossible to have real hunger for something that isn’t real food. Our bodies don’t need or want McDonalds. They know there is little nutrition in it, and much toxicity instead.
Perhaps our brain and taste buds want McDonalds, because we enjoys the rush from massive amounts of sugar. Maybe we want to eat a BigMac and fries, to numb ourselves and disconnect from our emotions. Neither of these reasons are based on true hunger.
We know that the great majority of fast-food is addictive. It is built like that to attract as many customers as possible, and widen the pockets of business owners. Fast food is not meant to improve anyone’s health. There might be a few exceptions here and there, but even the healthiest mainstream fast food options are far from healthy.
All we need to do is take a look at the people who eat fast food every day. How sick are they? What repercussions does their diet show in their lives? Do they have an addiction?
These people have been misinformed and manipulated, to give up their health, in exchange for toxic stimulation. Chances are, that any long-term fast-food consumer trying to quit, would have withdrawals symptoms just like other addicts do.
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