Balancing our Needs and Addictions
It is also important to understand that health is not our only human need, or the most important. For some people, the need for entertainment and acceptance are more important than health. There are different ways to nurture our bodies with food.
At the same time, it’s beneficial to learn and practice getting our entertainment needs satisfied, through activities that don’t harm our bodies, animals, plants, or the environment. It’s best to practice self-care and self-development, fostering self-acceptance and self-worth.
In summary, when it comes to health, it is best to eat when we truly need to, and only eat what will properly fuel us. If we are eating for any other reason, we want to be sure to know and understand why we made that choice. In the meantime, we can continue to explore our motivation and become more conscious. We want to discover what drives our actions to gain autonomy and strengthen our will power.
Remember that eating can be addictive, just like any other behavior. This is why some people won’t even realize how often they eat, or why they do it. Seeing this behavior and stopping might be just as challenging as dropping habits such as drug abuse, alcohol, sex, video-games and work.
Learn the difference between hunger, appetite, and addiction. Hunger is a true physiological trigger that our body signals when it needs to be fed. Appetite is a psychological response that can often be associated with an addictive response. Awareness is our path to freedom.
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