Back to Hawaii – The Fruitarian Frugivore
9pm in Hawaii. Finally got to writing. Long trip, lots to do. It’s been great.
We arrived two nights ago. The property is amazing. Plenty of wildlife.
Yesterday we drove to Hilo and bought $69 worth of fruit at the market. Half of it is already gone.
So far the soursop has been our favorite, the pineapple and mangos will be ripe tomorrow.
Today was my first day eating mostly fruit, and it wasn’t much.
A few avocados, a bunch of logans, a piece of apple that Eko left on the table, and half of that soursop did the trick.
A few avocados, a bunch of logans, a piece of apple that Eko left on the table, and half of that soursop did the trick.
Only once during the day I had a handful of walnuts, they were satisfying, but oddly dry, maybe I will soak them next time.
One of my intentions for this trip to Hawaii is to reconnect with my frugivore roots, get back into fruitarianism, and maybe do a little fruitarian bodybuilding. 😉
I am also planning on writing the final sections of Give Fruit a Chance, and get the damn thing finally published,
It’s been years since I started the fruitarian journey. We all know it is time.
My first post on the Fruitarian Bodybuilder website was on October 5, 2016 … almost 6 years ago.
Since then, I have done 5 full edits of Give Fruit a Chance, adding new layers of wisdom and knowledge in vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarianism, and life as a frugivore.
I’ve gone from not eating fruit, to eating some fruit, to eating only fruit, to forgetting about the whole thing, and now we come back to the beginning.
This time the goal is simple, and there is no way to fail. My objective: Eat as much fruit as possible.
Maybe I will get into some Fruitarian Bodybuilding, maybe I won’t, maybe I eat only fruit, maybe I take my girl out for Thai, who knows.
I no longer feel a need to prove fruitarianism works, I’ve gotten tired of the conversation, that is what the book is for.
And yet, I feel there is more story to tell, and I want to keep exploring the world of The Fruitarian Frugivore.
Join me in the journey,
– The Fruitarian Frugivore