Authentic Relating
Switching to raw vegan and fruit based diets can make us less aggressive. When we feel separate from the world, we are more likely to steal from animals, plants, humans, and the earth. When we grow spiritually, and start to see ourselves in everything else, it becomes harder to take advantage of anyone This can lead us closer to a deeper practice of ahimsa, pacifism, and non-violence.
Plant based diets help us feel closer to Mother Nature, inviting us to learn more about ourselves and others. This is why it is recommended to supplement raw vegan and fruit-based diets, with inter-personal practices such as authentic relating and non-violent communication.
Authentic relating involves being honest and direct. It means saying things as they are, without exaggerating, lying, hiding, or leaving details aside. Authentic relating means being truthful to others about who we are and what our intentions are.
Like attracts like, by cleaning our bodies, we can clean our minds and our hearts. This allows our deepest selves to shine through more than before. It may be scary, to discover who we are, beneath all the layers we have entrapped ourselves in. It may also feel scary to let others see us at our core.
Perhaps you can find a group in your area that meets regularly, to connect deeply and share similar experiences. There might be an authentic relating group you can join, or perhaps you can create your own. Authentic relating groups go by many names, chose on that resonates with you.
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