Limitations in the Healthcare System
The only way to get rid of toxins is through the process of detoxification. This is one of our body’s natural, every day functions. All organs and cells have their own self-cleaning mechanism. In fact, most natural health practitioners believe that the body can heal on its own. Our main job is to step back, and lett our cells do what they do best, take care of themselves.
Modern medicine has ignored this idea and, despite all ancient traditions, has swayed away from detoxification practices. This is a reason why many health practitioners have lost their faith on medicine’s ability to successfully treat chronic disease.
Of course, doctors and surgeons are good people, and they play an important role in saving millions of lives. When it comes to prevention, however, modern medicine seems to fall short. This can be realized most clearly by walking into a Wallgreen’s pharmacy to find stacks of products like Coca-Cola and M&Ms.
It seems as if the pharmaceutical industry has a solid business plan, selling “medicine” to sick people, while feeding them poison.The more sick people, the bigger their bottom line. It looks like their business model consists on selling the poison, along with a perceived antidote. They take advantage of naïve customers. When it comes to detoxification and health, its hard to trust Big Pharma or Corporate America.
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