We Need to Detoxify
Our bodies are constantly absorbing toxins and getting rid of them. The more we can help our bodies, the easier it will be for them to keep us clean. There is no doubt that pollution is harmful. Unfortunately, it is all around us, our water, soil, air, and food. We consume toxins through food and they end up in our organs, tissues, and cells, deteriorating and destroying our body, leading to eventual illness and sometimes death.
Even if we live a healthy life, eating organic food and drinking clean water, we are still likely to stack up on toxins if we don’t cleanse appropriately and often. There are toxins coming from places most people don’t consider, such as candy, cereal, unnatural juices, and all sorts of packaged foods, with labels most people don’t pay attention to.
Waste and toxic substances are used to make products most households use every day. It is virtually impossible to live in the modern world without absorbing some form of toxin every day. Those who eat organic, and read labels, will dodge many bullets, but no one can be completely safe. Other sources of toxins can include rancid oils, some cooked foods, and almost all animal products.
Every single toxin that goes into our body needs to come out. Otherwise, sooner or later, in one way or another, it will harm our body. When toxicity isn’t cleaned, it slowly damages the cells, compromises our organs, and in many cases, ends up leading to death. There are toxins that come from cosmetic products, toxins in the silverware and cooking tools, there are toxins in our cleaning products, toxins in our furniture, the list goes on and on.
Toxicity doesn’t need to be reserved to foreign chemicals and random substances in our food. Things like cholesterol, free radicals, and acidic waste, are also toxic to our body.
Think about a blood vessel that has been clogged with cholesterol plaque, that cholesterol is a toxin. Think of all the acidic waste that cells produce, that waste is toxic. If unfiltered by the lymphatic system, cellular waste can cause deterioration to our tissues. In fact, many doctors, such as Dr. Robert Morse, believe that acid byproducts and waste are the leading cause of most disease.
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