Water Fasting
Taking a step beyond juice fasting we enter the world of water fasting. This is where “miracles” become a reality.
Growing up, I was told that we can only live a handful of days without food. It took me a while before I could believe that thousands of people have fasted on nothing but water for more than 40 days. Many of you won’t believe it either.
Luckily, we live in the age of information. We can easily do a quick search on YouTube, and watch live testimonials, from hundreds of people, who have lived through 40+ days consuming nothing but water. When I was in Hawaii, I became close friends with some of these people. Their stories are fascinating.
Almost all modern scientists agree that fasting for long periods of time leads to starvation, dehydration, and eventual death. According to them, without food, the body burns its own reserves of glycogen, body fat, and muscle. In my opinion, this is true, depending on the subject, the length of the fast, the quality of the water and the subject’s environment.
Water fasting has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years. There is written evidence about this all over the world, across religions, territories, and race. Fasting has been used by doctors, philosophers, and priests, for curative and preventive purposes, as well as for strengthening the spirit. Famous people who have recommended fasting over the years. These include Herodotus, Pythagoras, Plato, Asclepiad, Plutarch, Dr. Chain, Friedrich Hoffmann, Dr. Edward Dewey, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and Dr. Allan Cott.
Hippocrates, widely renowned as the father of modern medicine, was the first to say “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. He was also quoted saying “Fasting is the greatest remedy”.
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