From Vegetables to Fruit
When we eat fruit, we don’t have to deal with the karma of killing a living being. We also don’t have to pay someone else to do it for us. When we pick a ripe apple from the ground or from the tree, no one dies, no one gets hurt. On the other hand, when we uproot a carrot, or cut down some fennel, we are ending that life; we are hurting another living being.
Humans are not herbivores and look nothing like them. Cows have four stomachs to digest the tough grass they eat. Our digestive system is different. We may get away with digesting leafy greens, but it is still more demanding to our digestive system than eating a piece of fruit.
When we transition from a raw vegan diet, to a fruit based diet, the first thing we want to do is reduce our intake of vegetables that are harder to digest such as carrots and beets. From there we can eliminate things like leafy greens, and continue to move towards a fruit only diet.
Instead of focusing on what we are missing, we can focus on what we are getting: Better health, a simpler life, and a greater sense of connection with all living beings. As we continue to focus on eating local, organic, and delicious fruit, we will notice how eating vegetables slowly become a thing of the past.
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