From Flesh to Fruit & Beyond
Dietary transitions and lifestyle changes are as unique as personalities. Everyone will move through this path in their own way. Some people can transition overnight, and others might take years tipping their toes before they can jump in. Some people may keep their new diet for a week and others may keep if for the rest of their lives.
We also know a raw vegan diet or a fruit based diet will look different to different people. There are those, who like to go raw, and still consume animal products such as raw fish and raw milk. Other people go 100% vegan, but eat cooked foods every day until 4pm. Some prefer to focus on eating more carbs, others focus on consuming more fats. Some people, like myself, like to switch it up and try different approaches.
When it comes to overnight transitions, my friend Sam is the perfect example. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, Sam suffered from Chron’s disease, which caused her immeasurable pain and discomfort. She tried many dietary changes, but nothing seemed to help.
One day she learned about the raw vegan diet and gave it a try. The next morning she woke up and had bananas for breakfast. The difference on how she felt was so clear, that she decided to also have fruit for lunch, and then a salad for dinner. These simple changes made a huge impact on how she felt throughout the day.
She continued to eat the same way the next day and the next and the next. From then on she was able to stay 100% raw for almost three years without experiencing digestive discomforts like before. After that she went back to eating a mixed of raw and cooked foods. Who knows what she is up to this days, everyone is in their own journey.
On the opposite side we have people like myself. We are much more skeptical, stubborn, and harder to convince. I learned about vegetarianism in my early twenties and it took me two years to implement those ideas. Even after choosing to stop eating flesh I struggled to stop. Little by little I changed my habits, and now I follow a mostly raw vegan, high fruit diet, that includes lots of sprouts. I am consistently working on improving my diet, reducing and eliminating foods that don’t serve me.
The following tips are for all of us. I may not speak from a place of experience like Mango Wodzak and Anne Osborne, who have been eating fruit based diets for over two decades. I speak from the experience of a person who has spent the last three years researching every aspect of fruitarianism, reading dozens of books on the topic, and learning from hundreds of experts in the field.
The advice you are about to receive is among the best you can find on this subject. If you want to practice eating a fruit based diet, this approach will certainly help. At the same time, you will have your own experience, and make your own adjustments, following what feels right to you. Maybe you will transition overnight like my friend Sam, or maybe it will take you five years like it took me.
The most important things is to decide, and move towards change. Every day you make a conscious effort is a day you improve. Think of it like training or studying. If you do it once a week, you won’t improve that much, but its better than nothing. If you make a little effort every day, you will improve faster. Have faith and keep moving towards your goal. The most important thing is to start now.
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