Give Fruit a Chance: Getting Real
It’s been almost three years since I moved to Hawaii in search of the fruitarian paradise. During my three month visit I followed a strict raw vegan diet and started writing a book called “Give Fruit a Chance”. From Hawaii, I moved to Ecuador, where I spent another three months editing this book and making over 100 YouTube videos about fruit based diets and raw veganism.
I returned to Boulder Colorado 18 months ago. My diet over the past five years has transformed from omnivorous, to strictly fruitarian, and everywhere in between (expect for fast-food-vegan). As my diet changes, so do my thoughts and beliefs about human nutrition, diets and the importance of fruit as part of our daily food intake.
The intention behind this book is to share my experience and empower people with knowledge. I don’t claim to know the best diet for all humans, I don’t even know what the best diet is for me. What I know is that trial and error have taught me more about fruit than I ever had imagined. My wish is that these stories and perspectives will guide and support you on your own journey to the truth that resonates in your heart.
Some Background and Qualifications
I’ve been a certified holistic health practitioner for more than six years, teaching yoga, offering massage therapy, guiding people into breathwork, meditation and authentic relating practices. My strongest incentive in shifting to veganism and plant based diets has always been the benefit of all beings. It comes from a deep understanding and intuition that we are all connected, and that what we do to others we do to ourselves.
My search for truth has always been guided by my heart, using logic and reason to explain what resonates in my body. I don’t consider myself a scientist, I don’t like to memorize figures and the research I do is mainly on myself. To balance that aspect of my personality, I try to listen to as many people as possible, contemplating deeply on their knowledge and perspectives.
In some ways I feel like I am completely unqualified to publish any book on food. On the other hand, I know the depth of my exploration into the world of raw vegan and fruit based diets goes beyond that of most people, and thus, I trust these writings will serve many of you find your way.
In the next post we will explore the thoughts of a professional who has been teaching nutrition for many years. We want to start with some “Devil’s Advocate” perspective, as we move into the saintly world of fruitarianism and raw veganism.
Bruno Treves