Fruit Benefits Your Spirit
Fruit based diets are considered spiritual because they are in alignment with nature, and reflect the embodiment of our connection with all living beings. These diets don’t require damage to the environment, or the suffering of innocent creatures. They are closely tied to the natural cycle of growth and rebirth. We can be symbiotic members of this system, by eating fruit and planting their seeds.
Fruit based diets can help us feel closer to our nature and our spiritual selves. They increase our appreciation for animals and plants. They promote a sense of gratitude, free of guilt or remorse. These diets have the potential to uplift our spirit, making us feel more connected to ourselves, each other, and every living being on earth.
It is no surprise that spiritual ceremonies from different traditions often require people to fast, or go on a fruit based diet weeks before the ceremony. This is especially common prior to plant ceremonies that involved the consumption of Ayahuasca, Peyote, and San Pedro. It is understood that our body, mind, and heart, must be clear to communicate harmoniously with the spiritual world, and fully merge into Oneness.
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