Fruit Benefits our Hair
The vitamins and minerals in fruit are well known to be of benefit for the hair. Omega-3s are found in the cells that line the scalp, and provide the oils that keep our scalp and hair hydrated. Vitamin A is needed by the body to make sebum, an oily substance created by the sebaceous glands, that provides natural conditioning for our scalp. Without sebum we may experience an itchy scalp and dry hair. Zinc and biotin can help prevent hair loss and a dry, peeling scalp. Vitamin E can protect hair from sun damage. We find these in fruits like avocados, mangos and kiwis. (1)
Vitamin C may be the most beneficial nutrient for strong and shiny hair. It helps produce collagen and strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts. This makes oranges one of the best food choices for health hair. They are a storehouse for Vitamin C, and a rich in beta-carotene, flavonoids, and magnesium, which boosts hair growth. (2)
Fruit based diets can also eliminate dandruff in our hair. According to Dr. Robert Morse, dandruff is nothing more than cellular waste products, being eliminated from our bodies. The same can be said about ear wax. Many fruitarian enthusiast report a reduction of these bodily excretions when following a fruit based diet. I strongly believe that raw vegan and fruit based diets can help in reducing excess dandruff and earwax.
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Fruit Benefits our Skin
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Fruit Benefits our Eyes
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Raw, Organic, Nutrition
Transitioning into plant-based, and fruit-based diets is an amazing experience, but not always easy. Most of us have limited access to fresh fruits and veggies, and little time to prep our meals. That is why we offer organic superfoods to help cover people’s basic nutritional needs.
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