The Golden Rule
No one should be forced to do something they don’t want to do. We have all received the gift of free will, this must be respected and honored. I believe in the superiority of the Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. Attuning to this truth leads to more love, peace, and harmony, in our personal lives, and across the earth.
I don’t believe every human needs to follow a fruit-based diet to save the world. I think that the positive actions of a few people can offset the negative actions done by the majority. It’s just a matter of reaching a tipping point. It’s likely that, as more people continue to shift to fruit based diets, others will become curious, and they will follow along. The faster we go through this transition, the greater our chances of achieving health and peace on earth. Changing our food production system is essential to provide a sustainable future for our children, and generations to come.
Some people ask if it is our responsibility to follow a fruit-based diet. They wonder if we have a social or moral obligation to stop killing innocent beings and reduce our footprint on earth. To me, the answer is simple: Yes; we have a responsibility to act in healthy and loving ways. This is clear because I can see how we are all “response-able”. We are all able to respond to our environment, and change our behavior.
This process takes time, and it takes longer for some people, depending on their location, culture, education, and financial status. That being said, we are all capable of making small changes in our lives. These changes create ripples that reach far beyond our understanding. Every action we take today will affect everyone on earth, especially those who have not yet been born. Our actions create a compounding effect over time, the sooner we take action, the better.
If we lived in a world where our actions affect no one else, I would have no problem with people polluting their body and their environment. The truth, however, is that we are all connected. We all live in the same planet and, as globalization continues, those connections become stronger and more clear. Information is moving faster than ever, and our actions have more impact than ever. Its time to live with this realization in our hearts, and act accordingly.
The Golden Rule says: “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. This rule is shared across every major religion and spiritual movements on earth. It has been assimilated into Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Confucianism, Jainism, Unitarianism and Native Spirituality. The rule doesn’t refer to the treatment of humans alone, but to all other beings, including animals and plants. I believe the Golden Rule is meant to be applied to all things, including non-living things as well, such as personal items and public property. To get a sense of what this looks like, watch any video of Marie Kondo folding clothes, and read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.
The logic behind this Golden Rule is based on the interconnectedness of all things, and the understanding that everything we do comes back to us. Some people call this the law of karma, also known as the law of cause and effect. Everything we do comes back to us, sooner or later, in one way or another, in this life or perhaps, the next.
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Believe in Fruit
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Coming Back to Nature
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